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  • we have used strings previously
  • a string is a sequence of characters
  • strings, integers, floats, booleans are all called data types
  • can use single or double quotes
def say_hello(name):
    print(f"Hello, {name}.")



len() function

  • returns the number of characters in a string
  • try these in the interpreter
s = 'Hello'
  • '' or "" represent the empty string, length zero
  • when you are working with strings, make sure your code works with empty strings!

We count from zero!

  • also called zero-based indexing
  • pixels in an image started with (0, 0)
  • if the width of an image is 800, it goes from 0 to 799
  • we index strings the same way!

string indexing

indexing strings

  • we can access each character in the string using square brackets
  • be careful to use a valid index — from 0 to len-1
  • try these in the interpreter
s = 'Python'

strings are immutable (they can’t be changed)

  • try these in the interpreter
s = 'Python'
s[0] = 'X'

adding (concatenating) strings

  • we can use the + operator to combine two strings into a new, bigger string
  • does not change the original strings
  • try these in the interpreter
a = 'Hello'
b = 'there'
a + b
a + " " + b

changing variables

  • when you change a variable, it now “points” to the new value

changing variables

appending to a string

  • can use the + operator
  • try these in the interpreter
name = "Emma"
name = name + '!'
name = "Julie"
name += '!'
name += '!'
name += '!'

looping over strings

name = "Julie"
for i in range(len(name)):

write a double_char() function

  • start with a result that is an empty string
  • loop over each character in the string
    • add two copies of each character to the result
  • return the result
def double_char(s):
    """ Take a string and return the same thing but with every character doubled."""
    result = ""
    for i in range(len(s)):
        # try uncommenting
        result = result + s[i] + s[i]
        print(i, result)
    return result

    0 cc
    1 cc
    1 ccrr
    2 ccrr
    2 ccrraa
    3 ccrraa
    3 ccrraazz
    4 ccrraazz
    4 ccrraazzyy

You will see this pattern a lot

  1. start with a result that is an empty string
  2. add characters to the string
  3. return the result
def double_char(s):
    """ Take a string and return the same thing but with every character doubled."""
    result = ""
    for i in range(len(s)):
        # try uncommenting this line
        # print(s[i])
        result = result + s[i] + s[i]
    return result


String tests

  • s.isalpha() - True if all characters in s are alphabetic

  • s.isdigit() - True if all characters in s are digits ‘0’, ‘1’, .. ‘9’

  • s.isalnum() - True if all characters are s are alphabetic or numeric

  • s.isspace() - True if all characters in s are whitespace characters — space, tab, newline

character classes

Try these string tests in the Python interpreter

' '.isspace()
'   \t  \n'.isspace()

Function patterns

if pattern

  • write an alpha_only() function

  • returns a new string that has only the alphabetical characters in it

def alpha_only(s):
    result = ''
    for i in range(len(s)):
        if s[i].isalpha():
            result += s[i]
    return result

alpha_only("I'm 91. You call me old??! I'm wise and experienced!")

if else pattern

  • write a str_dx() function
  • return a string where every digit becomes ‘d’ and every other character becomes ‘x’
def str_dx(s):
    result = ''
    for i in range(len(s)):
        if s[i].isdigit():
            result += 'd'
            result += 'x'
    return result

str_dx("I'm 91. You call me old??! I'm wise and experienced!")

if and not pattern

  • write an only_nondigits() function
  • return a string with only the non-digits
def only_nondigits(s):
    result = ''
    for i in range(len(s)):
        if not s[i].isdigit():
            result += s[i]
    return result

only_nondigits("I'm 91. You call me old??! I'm wise and experienced!")
    "I'm . You call me old??! I'm wise and experienced!"

early return pattern

  • write a has_alpha() function
  • returns true if there is at least one alphabetic character in the string
def has_alpha(s):
    for i in range(len(s)):
        if s[i].isalpha():
            return True
    return False



  • can put these into your docstring
  • look exactly like what you would see in the Python console
  • first line is the test, second line is the result
  • can run them from Pycharm
>>> has_alpha('45#a8e')
>>> has_alpha('45^#)-')

Doctests example

  • in Pycharm, right click on the function name and select `Run ‘Doctest has_alpha
  • trying putting in a bug and see what happens
def has_alpha(s):
    Returns true if there are any alphabetic characters in the string, false otherwise.

    :param s: a string
    :return: True if there are alphabetic characters in s, otherwise False
    >>> has_alpha('45#a8e')
    >>> has_alpha('45^#)-')
    for i in range(len(s)):
        if s[i].isalpha():
            return True
    return False


  • Use divide-and-conquer to break the problem down into smaller parts
  • Work on one function at a time
  • Write documentation first
  • Write doctests second
  • Now write code
  • Get it to past easy tests first
  • Then check “edge” cases, like an empty string
  • Get the function to pass all tests before moving on to the next function
  • Your life will be much easier!


  • Writing a bunch of code with no documentation and no tests and then “trying” it to see if it will work